ダブルディスク、46曲入りになって戻ってきたPopboomerangのパワーポップコンピレーションのヴォリューム2!今回はディスク1が世界の、そしてディスク2がアメリカのバンドというようにパワーポップ大国アメリカへの宣戦布告?!ともとれる内容。もちろんレアトラックや未発表にこだわる姿勢は相変わらずでパワーポップひいてはポップミュージックを愛する心が隅々まで行き渡った良質コンピレーション!スコットランドのGREEN PEPPERS(ex-SOUP DRAGONS/BMX BANDITS/SUPERSTAR)の提供曲にはベルセバのIsobelも参加。
収録曲 Track Listing
1. The Oranges: Beautiful
2. Shiner 22: No Matter Where You Go
3. Go You Huskies: Cubbyhouse
4. Ricky: That Extra Mile
5. Milli Davis: $4:15
6. Scrambled Eggs: Dead Someday
7. Adrian Whitehead: Spector's Dead
8. Gigantic: Mr Sound
9. Green Peppers: Blink Of An Eye
10. Cosmic Rough Riders: I Call Her Name
11. Tamas Wells: The Marytn's Are Scared As Hell
12. Kelly's Heels: Invisible Hold
13. Chris Murphy: Confide
14. American Suitcase: Hun Kommer I Farger (She Comes In Colours)
15. Tim Reid: This Time Around
16. The Rumours: If I Could See
17. Ryan Ellsmore: I've Had Enough
18. Michael Carpenter: Miracles
19. The Lemonclocks: Not Your Puppet
20. Paul Vallen: Dark Haired Girl
21. Idiot Grin: Reluctant Guy
22. The Richies: Today
23. Vocoder: Norwegian
24. The Lolas: Staying Inside
25. Jeremy: National Anthem
26. The Spinning Jennies: Big Deal
27. Daizy Pops: Dana The Forklift Driver
28. Dutch Elms: Cleopatra
29. Bedsit Poets: February Kisses
30. Brad Harvey: Blinded By Your Love
31. Maple Mars: Beautiful Mess
32. Florapop: Sunshine Sky
33. Mark DeCerbo: Every Whisper From You
34. The Insiders (Pop Is Art): Slightly Cracked
35. Neilson Hubbard: If Memories Lose Their Mind
36. Chris Richards: I'm No Better Than You
37. Cloud Eleven: Crippling
38. Glowfriends: Valentine
39. Bobby Sutliff: Oh Lorelei
40. Herb Eimerman: Unbreakable
41. The Clifton Foundation: Squirrel Conspiracy
42. Brian Jay Cline: Last Stop On Your Train
43. The Hipnotes: Cary's Ring
44. Jeremy: Here To Stay
45. Blue Ash: Say Goodbye
46. Blue Ash: She Cried For 15 Years
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