おもいっきりモンドに激変したニューアルバム「Dizzy Kiss」も好調なノルウェーの5人組The Lionheart Brothersの2003年にリリースされたファーストアルバム。すでにリイシューされたものとは異なる劇レア盤につき入荷数激少。
Description: This terrific album has been re-released together with Munich Records in Germany, UK, France, Benelux and Scandinavia.
The is praised in Norway for their outstanding songwriting and sounds. Don\'t let this rock band with a different twist pass by.
* the pole dilemma
* A-B-C Learning
* the sun in my eyes
* you got me
* feed me eden
* love ludicrous
* san elephants job
* horse transform unicom
* lead me to the waters
* time river floaty
* i burn myself on you
* blue clouds red sky
and includes a videoclip of \'time river floaty\'.
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